Here’s how to find the hidden Easter egg in Destiny 2’s Salvation’s Edge raid featuring Paul McCartney’s “Hope For The Future” song.
Destiny 2’s latest expansion, The Final Shape, has been out for nearly two months now. With this expansion, Bungie has delivered one of the most challenging raids in Destiny’s history, Salvation’s Edge. Beyond the challenging encounters and new loot, this raid also features a delightful Easter egg that nods to the game’s history with legendary musician Paul McCartney.

Players who venture into the second encounter of the raid can uncover a special treat: a hidden, distorted version of McCartney’s “Hope For The Future,” a song he composed for the original Destiny game nearly a decade ago.
Destiny 2 The Final Shape Paul McCartney Song Easter Egg
The Easter egg can be found outside the Herald of Finality (second) encounter in the Salvation’s Edge raid. There are two ways to experience this Easter egg: complete the second encounter, or make your way to the location by jumping on the platforms before the encounter.
Before triggering the encounter, make your way towards the giant green finalized statue where you would typically proceed after completing the encounter. Jump across to the floating platform that has a bunch of finalized statues on it.

Follow the path ahead, and instead of moving to the left where you’d normally go, move towards the far right of this statue-lined path until you encounter a giant pillar-like structure. From this point, proceed forward to the left until you see a statue holding hands.
Jump on this statue and you will be greeted with a distorted rendition of “Hope For The Future,” echoing through the arena.
We have a video guide on how to find this Easter egg on our YouTube channel, which you can watch below.
This isn’t the only location you can listen to the “Hope For The Future” song in The Final Shape. Select the Lost City landing zone in the new Pale Heart destination. After spawning in, head towards the back right of the Tower, where you’ll see some giant tree branches. Hug the concrete wall there, and you’ll hear a muffled version of the song.

In Destiny 1, you could listen to “Hope For The Future” on the jukebox located in the Tower. When Destiny 2 launched, Bungie brought the track back, letting players listen to the muffled version of it in the Tower Hangar. And it didn’t stop there—during the Forsaken expansion, this nostalgic song even made an appearance in one of the Tangled Shore lost sectors.